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Neurodivergent Nature Nidra (Yoga Nidra and Forest Therapy Sessions)

Do you identify as neurodivergent (ND)? Do you struggle with ADHD, learning issues, or autism-related challenges? Are you looking to connect with other ND people in a safe, relaxing space in nature?


Join Andre Benoit, neurodivergent psychologist for this unique, lower cost, 3-hour event which combines iRest Yoga Nidra mindfulness meditation with nature and forest therapy practices at the Bow Watershed Discovery Centre.


What is Yoga Nidra? iRest Yoga Nidra Mindfulness Meditation are a series of practices designed to support feelings of wholeness, groundedness and wellness.


What is Forest Bathing? Shirin-Yoku, which is the Japanese practice of Forest Bathing, means to bath in the atmosphere of the forest. It refers to the practice of spending time in nature for the purpose of health, wellness and happiness. It is the practice of connection with the natural world and with each other. Forest Bathing is a slow-paced/ gentle walk or wander in nature.


Science has also shown the health benefits of spending time in nature. People who spend time in the forest experience a decrease in stress levels, improve outlook, focus, and energy, as well as many other health benefits.

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